


About Us

INEVA Environmental Technologies first started its commercial life in 2001 by designing and manufacturing machines that give metal surfaces a second chance by removing paint from them in a way that is harmless to nature.

By 2008, İNEVA had transformed its metal surface cleaning technology into facilities that dispose of treatment sludge, which is the output of treatment plants, as a result of R&D processes initiated with TÜBİTAK. İNEVA’s first licensed facility, which disposes of all kinds of non-recyclable hazardous and non-hazardous wastes and treatment sludge and recovers energy, started its operations in 2012. Continuing its R&D activities without slowing down in the following years, INEVA continues its development by establishing facilities in many locations and capacities since 2012.

Our Mission

We minimize the ever-increasing environmental pollution and recover non-recyclable waste by converting it into energy. We want to leave a cleaner and livable world for future generations. At the same time, we develop sustainable projects for our customers by offering environmentally sensitive solutions through technological innovations.

Our Vision

To be a leading global company in waste management and energy efficiency with advanced technology solutions and to become an exemplary brand in environmental sustainability.

Waste Sludge Plant



Waste Sludge Plant

Ton Waste Sludge

Ton Waste Sludge

Turkey's first center


Turkey's first center

Quality Certificate


Quality Certificate





It can incinerate the high humidity sludge from the final process of treatment plants without the need for pre-drying and,

  • Most compact design
  • Has the lowest ash output
  • Providing the highest efficiency combustion (99.8%)
  • Managed with the lowest labor force
  • Installed as soon as possible
  • Lowest operating costs
  • Lowest investment budget

We call INEVA because it has a technology that has many references and has been operated and developed for many years with many advantages that we cannot count.

Other alternatives to INEVA technology

Solar Dryer

Solar Dryer

If solar drying method is chosen against Ineva's high efficiency combustion technology

  • For example, for 100 tons/day wet treatment sludge, at least 20.000 m2 of land, depending on regional conditions.
  • Again for 2 to 4 weeks depending on regional conditions.
  • Risk of regional and periodic odor complaints.
  • Risk of spread of pathogens and other pollutants.
  • Since it is not a final disposal, many problems are encountered such as the selection and management of a disposal method after drying. The biggest of these problems is the need for a very large amount of land as mentioned in the first point.
Thermal Dryer

Thermal Dryer

When this type of process is chosen, the wet sewage sludge must be brought to at least 80%-90% dryness before incineration, which requires high heat energy. Drying costs and risks should be taken into account according to the choice of technology. The dried sludge needs to be shipped to an incineration plant for re-disposal.


Quality Certificates

TS EN ISO 9001

TS EN ISO 9001

Quality Certificate

TS EN ISO 14001

TS EN ISO 14001

Quality Certificate

ISO 45001

ISO 45001

Quality Certificate


  1. 2001

    Establishment of facilities for the cleaning of paints and chemicals on metals by burning

  2. 2008

    TUBİTAK R&D studies completed

  3. 2011

    First industrial sludge incineration plant starts operations

  4. 2012

    DOSAB commissioned our first licensed pilot plant

  5. 2013

    DOSAB 93 tons/day sludge

  6. 2014

    Banvit Izmir 30 tons/day sludge

    KKKK Tank Factory 30 tons/day rubber

  7. 2015

    Banvit Bandirma 60 tons/day sludge

    Green Environment Treatment Plant 60 tons/day sludge

  8. 2016

    ISU Kullar 120 tons/day sludge

    ISU Gebze 120 tons/day sludge

  9. 2017

    Gaziantep Organized Industrial Zone 240 tons/day sludge

  10. 2018

    Beypilic 90 tons/day sludge

  11. 2024

    First Export Contract from Kazakhstan, City Waste Disposal