Our Services

  • Waste to Energy System

Waste to Energy System

Renewable Energy Solutions

Renewable Energy Solutions

From Waste to Energy

A problem that is increasing exponentially in our rapidly developing world is the energy problem. Unfortunately, our world cannot provide us with this energy with an infinite source. In addition to this energy need, we produce millions of tons of waste every day for the continuation of our vitality. Based on the data of 2023, 1.06 kg of waste was produced per person per day in Turkey. As Ineva, we recycle all our waste, including "treatment sludge", and convert it into electricity and steam energy in order to both dispose of waste in a harmless way for nature and to meet some of our energy needs.

What is sludge waste and why should it be disposed of?

What is sludge waste and why should it be disposed of?

In wastewater treatment processes, “treatment sludge” is the fluid waste produced by the passage of dissolved substances into microorganisms at the end of biological treatment. Sewage sludge is a product of wastewater treatment and its disposal has become a more vital need as the amount of accumulated sludge increases day by day and thus the space required for sludge storage increases.

All pathogenic organisms and pollutants in wastewater, as well as the chemicals used in wastewater treatment plants to achieve discharge limits, turn into sludge. For this reason, sludge contains harmful substances. These sludges, which cause great harm to human health and the environment, cannot be utilized for any process, but they have a good calorific value. For this reason, these treatment sludges can be disposed of in appropriate thermal processes and returned to the economy as energy.