93 tons/day 2 units (33 tons/day + 60 tons/day)
Operated by the customer.
120 tons/day 2 units (60 tons/day + 60 tons/day)
As stated in our contract, the operation process continues.
120 tons/day 2 units (60 tons/day + 60 tons/day)
The facility is operational and awaiting the operation tender to be issued by the institution.
240 tons/day 4 units (60 tons/day x 4 units)
Since 01.07.2022, it has been operated by INEVA without any problems.
90 tons/day 2 units (45 tons/day + 45 tons/day)
Operated smoothly by the customer
30 tons/day 1 units
Operated smoothly by the customer
60 tons/day 1 units
Since 2016, it has been working smoothly.
30 tons/day 1 units
Since 2014, it has been working smoothly.
30 tons/day 1 units
Since 2016, it has been working smoothly.