The 12th National Environmental Engineering Congress, sponsored by INEVA Çevre Teknolojileri, was held at METU on October 5-7 in collaboration with the Chamber of Environmental Engineers (ÇMO) affiliated with the Union of Chambers of Turkish Architects and Engineers (TMMOB) and the Department of Environmental Engineering at Middle East Technical University (METU).
The scientific congress, which has been organized in different cities every two years since 1992 with the aim of sharing and discussing the studies produced in the environmental engineering profession and the environment in the broadest scope, was supported this year by TÜBİTAK, the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs and Çankaya Municipality.
Topics such as Environmental Management, Environmental Engineering Information Technologies, Environment and Energy, Natural Resource Management, Environmental and Engineering Ethics, Environmental Economics, Environmental Law, Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management, Noise and Noise Management, Preventive Environmental Management, and Climate Change were discussed at the congress.
Emin Calbay, an Environmental Engineer at INEVA Environmental Technologies, also took the floor at the congress and conveyed the following: As INEVA, we exhibited the SWOT Application Evaluation of Different Sludge Incineration Methods study that we have been conducting at the METU Environmental Engineering Department at the conference called SludgeTech 2017, which was held at Imperial College and was attended by sludge experts and academicians from all over the world. By evaluating all methods, we determined that the most advantageous scenario within the criteria of economic and environmental factors is the sludge incineration method alone. We are already converting 600 tons/day of sludge that our 6 currently established facilities produce into steam and electrical energy by using this scenario. In addition, we will actually convert waste into value in accordance with the waste management hierarchy by disposing of 1,100 tons of sludge per day with our new facilities that will become operational in 2018.
Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs Prof. Dr. ÇMO General President Baran Bozoğlu shared his evaluations regarding the congress attended by Cumali Kınacı. Bozoğlu stated that environmental technology and environmental science provide great opportunities for establishing the right to live in a healthy environment; Turkey should produce its own environmental technology. This congress will be an important area where we can contribute to the development of environmental technology.